How to get rid of electrifying hair?
Electrifying hair is a problem for not one person with long hair, especially in winter. How to fight against problematic electrifying hair? There are several ways to do it… Use the right cosmetics or apply some home remedies for electrifying hair.
Hair under the friction of another material becomes positively charged, so that the hair repels each other and lifts.
In addition, very often in autumn and winter hair is even more susceptible to electrification. Why? This is because being in a room where there is dry air increases the susceptibility to hair electrification. Such air is very often caused by turning on the heaters in the house or turning on the heater in the car. In addition, in autumn or winter we dress in sweaters, scarves or hats. When pulling on a sweater or cap, the material rubs against the hair and then electrification occurs, and the dry air in the house further intensifies this.
- Use a cooler blow dryer
- If you have long hair tie it in a bun, you will avoid electrifying your hair by rubbing it against your scarf or other materials
- Moisturize your hair every evening or morning with quality cosmetics
- Avoid plastic brushes, use a natural bristle brush or a wooden comb with wide teeth
- Spray your hair with a mist
- Comb through your hair with a brush or comb (preferably natural bristle or wood)
- Wash your hair with Keratin shampoo apply a generous amount of shampoo and massage it into your scalp and hair, then rinse thoroughly
- Use the mask for dry and damaged hair, remember to keep the mask for a minimum of 20 minutes
- If you blow dry your hair use a heat protectant mist
- At the end you can spray with smoothing and styling mist with Keratin
How to fight against electrifying hair?
How does water work on electrifying hair?
Water neutralizes electrifying hair. This is the fastest way to electrifying hair, but unfortunately the shortest-lasting.
How to apply water to the hair to eliminate static?
- gently wet your hands with water and touch your hair with them
How does hand cream or lotion work on electrifying hair?
The cream or lotion is anti-static, so the hair will not become electrified. Unfortunately, the use of cream or lotion may be combined with the risk of making the hair slightly greasy or too heavy.
How to apply the cream or lotion?
- apply a small dose of the cream or lotion to the palm of your hand and spread it out
- gently run your hands through your hair
- remember not to overdo the dose of the product
How does hairspray work on electrifying hair?
The hairspray is anti-static which means your hair won’t get electrified.
How to apply hairspray to nullify electrifying hair?
- spray your hairbrush with hairspray – this will prevent your hair from becoming electrified by rubbing the brush against your hair
- another option is to directly, lightly spray hairspray on the hair
We recommend getting at least 1 mist. It’s a quick, proven solution for electrifying hair.
The mist won’t weigh down or make hair greasy, plus it adds shine and smooths its texture.
The product will nourish the hair, smoothen it and, most importantly, keep it free of static.